Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Family of Four

I've been wanting to get on and blog about our adoption for a while now but have had my hands full...literally. I'm sure most know by now that we adopted the most adorable twin baby boys.
Words cannot adequate express how grateful I am that these two little boys were able to join our family! I loved them before they were born, but seeing them in the hospital for the first time I just knew they were meant to be in our family. 

I have a hard time putting into words what I have felt throughout this whole experience. It's crazy to think that just less than a year ago I was feeling hopeless thinking we may never be blessed with the opportunity to be parents, and now we have become a family of four! My whole life has changed. I'm sleep deprived, my house is not as clean as it used to be, and I'm mostly confined to the house. But guess what? I'm happier than ever and wouldn't have it any other way! McKay and Cade are the most adorable babies who bring us so much happiness every day.

Thank you to the birth mom and her family as well as the birth father and his family for all their support and love. We love you all and think of you as our new extended family. 

Thank you to all our friends and family who were supportive throughout this, often times emotional, journey. And thanks to all those who are currently helping with meals and a spare set of arms. We love you!

And just because they are so adorable here are some of the boys newborn photos. :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

One month old already?!?

I seriously can't believe my babies are already a month old!!! Where has time gone? I took a picture of the boys on their one month birthday in the same outfits they wore when they came home from the hospital and was blown away by how much they'd grown. Check this out!
Our 2 day old babies on the way home from the hospital 
Only one month later!
Even crazier is that the boys had a doctors appointment yesterday and I was blown away how much they had grown! McKay was 5 lbs 6 oz and 18.5" long at birth. As of yesterday he was 8 lbs 6 and 21.2" long! Even more astounding was Cade's growth. He was 6 lbs 3 oz and 19.5" long at birth. Yesterday he weighed in at a whopping 11 lbs and 21.5" long. So happy that they are healthy little boys who are just growing big and strong! We love them like crazy!